Male Breast Development
Male breast development might be a fine thing for those men who wish to change gender, but for those who do not, it is something to get rid of! It is a disorder fairly common to a number of males.
First, the condition is known as gynecomastia or enlargement of male breasts
Babies may demonstrate this condition pretty commonly as newborns, in either one or both of their breasts. This happens usually due to being exposed to mom's hormones in her milk. The situation here can be over in a few days or weeks. Now and then, it remains until the child is several years of age. Parents should, in all cases like these, consult their physicians.
Adolescent boys often display this same phenomenon, and their breast or breasts not only grow, but can develop without symmetry, and often be painful. These circumstances can be very embarrassing for a young boy and are normally set off by the raging hormones of puberty. Frequently, the gynecomastia will last only a short while. Again, check with your family doctor, to be sure.
In full-grown men, growing breast size often comes along with excessive weight gain. In elderly men, it may also be a case of hormones. Ensure you check with medical authorities in any such situation.
Doctors can assess if anything abnormal is going on. There are actual disorders and diseases as well as other causes, that can produce gynecomastia. Sine medications to include weight-building hormones can result in enlarged breasts. Other causes include Klinefelter's syndrome, liver or kidney disease, or perhaps even tumors.
When treatment is required, medication may be administered, but often the cure is surgery, which will excise the extra tissue in the breast area. Your physician is the best judge in these matters, absolutely!